"Lean on Me"
Meal Program Brazilian Center Sacramento
City of Sacramento – Costco – Smart & Final – Safeway – Western Dental
This project is being supported in part by federal award number SLFRP0166 awarded to Brazilian Center for Cultural Exchange of Sacramento by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Sacramento City Express
Due to the need for social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Brazilian Center cannot host the festivals and performances that are a staple of our community-building and arts programming. Instead, we are using our industrial kitchen and volunteer corps to provide food to Sacramento experiencing increased food insecurity due to COVID-19. Specifically, we prepare and deliver hot, nutritious meals to unsheltered homeless individuals and low-income seniors. In addition, we provide groceries to families having trouble making ends meet.
This work is entirely based on monetary, food, and volunteer time. Accordingly, the more donations we receive, the more meals we can provide. We’re currently providing about 100 meals per week. However, the need is much greater. With your donation, we can prevent more community members from going hungry. All money donated via this webpage will go directly toward purchasing food and supplies for the ‘Lean on Me’ program. To donate food or volunteer your time, please call (916) 387-7344